Be careful

Attention, this part is for advanced users only. We'll edit an important file of wallabag, inc/poche/, please make a backup of this file before changes.
If you make a mistake while editing a wallabag file, your application may be broken.

This file is created when wallabag is installed.
Please first install wallabag, make a backup of this file and open it with Sublime Text your favorite editor.

In this file are defined some parameters that you can't change on the wallabag configuration page.

Advanced options

Each parameter is defined like this:

@define ('PARAMETER_NAME', 'Parameter value');

For each line, you can only change Parameter value part.

TODO explain all the following parameters

Here are all the parameters you can change:

  • HTTP_PORT (default value is 80): Expected value: a digit.
  • SSL_PORT (default value is 443): Expected value: a digit.
  • DEBUG_POCHE (default value is FALSE): Expected values: TRUE or FALSE.
  • DOWNLOAD_PICTURES (default value is FALSE): Expected values: TRUE or FALSE.
  • SHARE_TWITTER (default value is TRUE): Expected values: TRUE or FALSE.
  • SHARE_MAIL (par défaut, TRUE): Expected values: TRUE or FALSE.
  • SHARE_SHAARLI (default value is FALSE): Expected values: TRUE or FALSE.
  • SHAARLI_URL (default value is ''): Expected value: your Shaarli URL.
  • FLATTR (default value is TRUE): Expected values: TRUE or FALSE.
  • SHOW_PRINTLINK (default value is '1'): Expected values: '0' to disable, '1' to enable.
  • SHOW_READPERCENT (default value is '1'): '0' to disable, '1' to enable.
  • PAGINATION (default value is '12'): Expected value: a digit.